Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thankful on this Mother's Day

Missing my mom today, but I know she is having a good/fun day with my sis and Dad - they were headed to LBI a few hours ago. So jealous. Love and miss the beach.

So very thankful for all the love in my life - I think that's important to remember, because people often forget. Somewhere, someone loves you. I believe that. And if it's not love, than it's caring, and compassion - I really don't believe you are every, truly, alone. Maybe I just think that because it's comforting, or maybe I think it because I don't ever want anyone to feel alone or not wanted, so want to be someone who lets people know that I'll be there for you.

My blog has been kinda sad/down lately. I blame it on all the stress I have - between school, all the papers and reading, and then feeling disconnected to people, and to the greater world - feeling helpless is more like it. But even with those feelings, I'm pushing through.

Had an amazing brunch with Sheila, Devin's mom (my boyfriend) - while we should have been cooking for her on Mother's Day, we all pitched in. Made crispy potatoes, cheesy eggs, bacon, and had freshly cut strawberries. SO GOOD. And then I came home and kept picking at the chocolate muffin I bought at Sunflower Market yesterday. I needed some chocolate... typical. But it was so nice to sit outside, enjoy the weather, have really nice conversations, laugh a little, drink bullinis (sp?), and enjoy each other. We brought her a lovely bunch of flowers, such pretty, vibrant colors, and she liked them a lot.

So now I'm home, in this mess of an apartment (moving out on June 1, subletting, and sheesh, we have too much STUFF!) and need to get started on work again. But, the skies are blue, and the weather is beautiful, warm, and perfect for sittin' outside and reading some. So, off I go, for now - again, will write more later - still have to talk about last class last Weds. - always things left unsaid, at least for now :) Sending love all over and hoping everyone is doing well!

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