Sunday, July 17, 2011

* DuRaNgO *

So I have been living in Durango since June 1st, with a family, Devin and Rio and me - Overall, it's been good. I've had a good deal of 'me' time, volunteered at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, traveled to Silverton and Ouray with Devin's Mom and Aunt, went on many walks with Rio, hiked with her, and finally, after at least 10+ years, rode a horse today. I've explored the town, been to Bayfield, Pagosa Springs, Ignacio, Mancos and Cortez - driven through some - still have a lot to do. I'd like to venture to Mesa Verde, go to Crede, the Trimble Hot Springs (hopefully happening this week), see Farmington, visit the Ute Native American Museum in Ignacio... the list goes on. The photo below was taken on the Kennebec/Sliderock Trail that Rio and I hiked the other day - 6 miles - and the buildings are an old abandoned mine... pretty neat.

If you check out my Facebook page you'll see more adventure photos from the summer :)
I've had a lot on my mind lately... being away from family and 'home', what's next for me, Peace Corps, missing girl friends, and feel pretty alone down here - things have definitely changed. 
That is the one constant in life that can always be counted on though, right? Things will change. For better and for worse - and for me, I think that's part of what growing up is all about. 
I'm still trying to figure out my own path, and it seems that whatever road I am on, is not the road that many travel. While my boyfriend and I got a dog together, I still have this craving for adventure, traveling, seeing people and places, exploring... not settling down, and not being comfortable. But then there's the other part of me that sorta wants that - and they have been butting heads lately. 
I don't want to go into much detail, mostly because I am still unsure of the whole blog thing - while I want it to be like a journal, there are a lot of things I want to say, but won't. Many things that are stressful, that I have no control over - and it breaks my heart. 
I think this summer, overall, has been a much needed break for me. I never knew if or when I'd ride again, and I did today. I have been forced to become more independent and deal with being alone. I've gone, done, and seen some pretty neat things and places, and met some great people along the way. I needed a break.
Come September 12th classes will have started again and I'll be in my last quarter of graduate school. wooot. I can't wait for whatever is next. Fingers crossed that something happens, because that's been my job this summer: job searching, and re-learning Spanish to be able to pass the language exam and graduate.
Last thing I want to say - as the years have gone by, I can say that I have met some amazing people, many that I miss, all the time. But you realize when you move away what you're grateful for, you appreciate the memories, and hold onto them. Distance brings being thankful, forgiveness, and a chance to move on - even when the move may not have been the bravest thing. 
Anyways - thanks for reading if you got this far. Hope at least some of this made sense. Maybe one day I'll open up more and really share --- one day. 

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