Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thank Yous

One of the things I believe is that people need to be thanked even for the smallest things. I know I expect a lot of people, but it's because I expect a lot of myself. At most times, my expectations of myself are ridiculously high, and in turn, I catch myself putting those same expectations on others. Flaw of mine. But that gets me back to thank yous... I adore little notes and cards and really think it's a kind and seemingly lost gesture these days. Think about it - what if everyone wrote one thank you a day to someone, wouldn't that make the world a little more thankful and maybe compassionate? Just a thought on this Saturday morning.

Wishing I could be home to spend some time with my mom this weekend. Been missing home a lot. I think that's normal when you really start to realize you're a grown up. Life has changed and things will never be the same again. Friendships are strained, people go their own ways, but there is such beauty in those adventures and new beginnings. My best girl friend and her husband just became homeowners and are so excited! I'm excited for them as the process has been frustrating and long. Makes me continue to think about my life, where I am, and what I want. So not in that place. Actually quite opposite. Have been thinking of applying to Peace Corps and have already started...

Short Update - More later about this week...

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