Friday, April 22, 2011

Ooo Summer, Please come faster !

Welp, going to be a busy weekend filled with reading, research, and hopefully some paper writing. Not too much to report - pretty homesick, but also super excited for summer (looking at it as my last summer of freedom).

Hopefully ALL of this happens:
Farmer's Markets
Lots of Kayaking and Fishing and Backpacking
Roadtrips -> Durango
Telluride Music Festival
Hopefully Streets of Afghanistan a 2nd time in Breckenridge
Trip Home in August
Concerts at Red Rocks -> Guster, Avett Brothers
Less exciting... Job searching and applying - Trying to combine my love of human rights, the environment/wilderness, and possibly agriculture. Trying to also stay open to all sectors too.

Rio graduated her Beginner Training from Petsmart tonight. She has done so well and is SO smart. Wouldn't trade her for the world. So proud of my little pup.

Ballet tomorrow night - should be fun and inspiring. Fell in love with ballet when I went for the first time this year. Trying to do more things for me, and this is one of them.

Went for a hike this week and did pretty well, although I am severely out of shape! Let myself go since starting grad school. Goal is to start running, small distances/times, maybe sprints - just being outside and having fun with it. I'm finding life is all about steps and processes and learning - change doesn't happen over night, and I have A LOT of passions, cares and goals - so I need steps and time to accomplish everything.

Anyways, I know not all of this is that exciting - but I decided I need a forum to speak, about whatever I need to. This quarter has been so hard, like I said in my last post. I'm floored by what I am learning - for instance, that Native American children were sent, at times forcibly, to boarding schools across the country. I am doing a multi-media project on this, and am excited to paint for the first time in a year. I'll post pics when it's finished - long way to go though.

I am just so disturbed and disgusted with what's happened in the past, and what still continues now. I could be wrong, but I feel like humans are not learning as a whole, and across the board we continue to fail one another and fail this planet. Part of me wants to go live in the woods as a hermit and part of me wants to save the world. Clearly, the 2nd part wins every time. But what does save the world really mean? I think it means doing your part, living for you - but being respectful of others. I think it starts small, local, neighborly, on the family and friend scale. Because if it doesn't start there than how are we ever going to solve the big, world problems? We need to do the small things, and really care about one another - move on from silly judgments and prejudices. We need to stop saying we are going to save people, and help them - and learn that people need support, maybe guidance, but when given the right tools and skills, they can save and help themselves. Don't get me wrong - I am no saint, and still catch myself sometimes and think, ugh. But I think the way the world's changing, we all need to be on board. Just sayin'.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, even if it's spent with your face in books - make sure you do something for you and see some sunshine :) Thanks for reading, if ya made it this far <3

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